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File #: 25-6980    Name: OUTSIDE LEGAL FEES AND COSTS
Type: Budget Amendments
Body: Village Council
Agenda Date: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: ITEM: OUTSIDE LEGAL FEES AND COSTS REQUEST: Approval of Resolution No. R2025-07 amending the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 General Fund Legal Department Operating Budget to allocate unassigned fund balance of $150,000.00 for additional outside legal services.
Attachments: 1. 1. BA R2025-07 Outside Legal Services Budget Amendment $150k
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ITEM:                     OUTSIDE LEGAL FEES AND COSTS   


REQUEST:                     Approval of Resolution No. R2025-07 amending the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 General Fund Legal Department Operating Budget to allocate unassigned fund balance of $150,000.00 for additional outside legal services.  


EXPLANATION:                     The Village retains outside law firms to assist with pending lawsuits and other areas in which special expertise is needed.  The budgeted amount for outside legal counsel is $200,000 for FY 2024/2025, which typically covers routine outside legal expenses, including litigation relating to the Palm Beach Polo matters.  However, as part of the sale of K-Park, we retained George Pincus with the law firm of Stearns Weaver Miller to draft and negotiate the Purchase and Sale Agreements with Related Ross and Education in Motion.   Mr. Pincus has extensive experience and expertise in negotiating complex real estate transactions. The K-Park matters have generated fees in the amount of $70,510.00 to date in this fiscal year and we expect one or more additional invoices for legal services.  Because these expenses were not anticipated as part of the general outside legal counsel budget, a budget amendment is necessary in order to meet expenses through the end of this fiscal year. 


Staff recommends approval of the budget amendment in order to cover the legal services provided by Mr. Pincus.  Any unused funds will be carried over to the fiscal year 2025-26 budget.   




PUBLIC HEARING:                     NO                       QUASI-JUDICIAL:                       


FIRST READING:                                            SECOND READING:                      


LEGAL SUFFICIENCY:                     YES 


FISCAL IMPACT:                     Sufficient funds have been allocated in the Legal GL #10013130-531001 for outside legal services. 


WELLINGTON FUNDAMENTAL:                     Protecting our Investment 


RECOMMENDATION:                     Approval of Resolution No. R2025-07 amending the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 General Fund Legal Department Operating Budget to allocate unassigned fund balance of $150,000.00 for additional outside legal services.