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Type: Discussion Item
Body: Village Council Workshop
Agenda Date: 6/26/2017 Final action:
Title: ITEM: PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING FEE SCHEDULE WORKSHOP REQUEST: Discuss proposed Planning, Zoning and Building's proposed fee schedule and elimination of Planning and Zoning's cost recovery system to be replaced with a flat fee/escrow system.
Attachments: 1. 1. Ordinance No 2017-12 Planning and Zoning Fees, 2. 2. Resolution No 2017-28 Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule 6.14.pdf, 3. 3. Resolution No. 2017-29 Building Department Fees, 4. 4. Staff Report, 5. 5. Exhibit A - Planning and Zoning Application Cost Analysis, 6. 6. Exhibit B - Planning and Zoning Fee Comparison Graphs, 7. 7. Exhibit C - Building Department Proposed Fees 2017, 8. 8. Exhibit D - Building Fee Comparison Graphs




REQUEST:  Discuss proposed Planning, Zoning and Building’s proposed fee schedule and elimination of Planning and Zoning’s cost recovery system to be replaced with a flat fee/escrow system. 



EXPLANATION:  The amendment of the cost recovery fee system in favor of an alternative flat fee/escrow fee system for planning applications will maintain current revenues, will improve efficiency for Wellington staff, and will create a more predictable pricing model for future applicants.


The current Cost Recovery System was adopted in 2007 and an updated fee schedule was adopted in 2008. The Cost Recovery System assigns the responsibility of all review costs on the developer/applicant. Final costs for the review of an application should match the actual costs to the Village. Switching to a flat fee/escrow system will allow staff to better utilize their time rather than spending it on tracking hours, billing applicants, reminding applicants to pay their invoices and other accounting functions. Applicants will also have a better idea of what each planning application type will cost prior to submittal.


Resolution No. R2009-66 was approved on October 27, 2009 establishing a new fee schedule for the Building department. The schedule remained on the traditional flat rate fee system. Neither department has updated their fee schedule since. 


BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUIRED:                     NO 


PUBLIC HEARING:                     NO                       QUASI-JUDICIAL:                      


FIRST READING:                                            SECOND READING:                      


LEGAL SUFFICIENCY:                     YES 


FISCAL IMPACT:                     NO 


WELLINGTON FUNDAMENTAL:                     Responsive Government 


RECOMMENDATION:                     Discuss proposed Planning, Zoning and Building’s proposed fee schedule and elimination of Planning and Zoning’s cost recovery system to be replaced with a flat fee/escrow system.