REQUEST: Recommendation to approve the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) Housing Incentives Report as required by the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program Act, subsection 420.9076, of the Florida Statutes.
EXPLANATION: Wellington remains committed to improving and maintaining our housing stock. The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) has been assembled as statutorily required by the State Housing Partnership Program Act and Wellington Ordinance NO.2022-04. Part of the AHAC responsibilities and duties is to complete and recommend an Annual Incentives Strategies Report (“AHAC Report”) in efforts to encourage or facilitate affordable housing within Wellington.
The AHAC Report identifies incentive strategies and recommendations for adoption by the local government. The recommendations should seek to remove regulatory barriers that limit the development or preservation of affordable housing or drive up housing costs. The advisory committee must approve the final AHAC Report by majority vote and submit it to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) and the local government.
SUMMARY: Recommendation to approve the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) Housing Incentives Report as required by the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program Act, subsection 420.9076, of the Florida Statutes.